NW Oregon Residential
Trash & Recycling
Hudson Garbage Service proudly provides top quality Columbia County, Oregon residential garbage removal and recycling in Warren, St Helens, Columbia City, Deer Island, Rainier and Clatskanie.
Call 800-422-9998 to start NW Oregon residential trash and recycling service for your home.
Residential Garbage
& Recycling Schedule
2025 Pick-Up Calendar
2025 FREE Household Hazardous Waste Collection Schedule
Weekly Columbia County residential garbage collection is performed on Monday through Friday.
You should have your garbage container at the curb by 6am on the day it's to be picked up. Please set it at the curb and at least 3 feet away from any other cart and 6 feet away from vehicles.
Residential Containers |
Garbage |
Grey Carts |
35, 65 and 95 gallon |
Recycling |
Green Carts |
65 and 95 gallon |
Yard Debris |
Brown Carts |
95 gallon |
Residential Garbage
& Recycling Services
Hudson Garbage Service
“Our business is picking up”
Hudson Services by Community |
Community |
Garbage |
Recycling |
Yard Debris |
Clatskanie |
Yes |
Yes |
Columbia City |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Deer Island |
Yes |
Yes |
Goble |
Yes |
Yes |
Prescott |
Yes |
Rainier |
Yes |
Yes |
St Helens |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Warren |
Yes |
Yes |
Yankton |
Yes |
Yes |
Waste Removal Holidays
Hudson Garbage Service does not provide residential garbage and recycling removal on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Christmas Day
These are the only holidays that might affect your Columbia County trash & recycling service.
If your pickup day falls on or after Christmas Day or New Year's Day, your pickup will be delayed by one day.
Residential Trash
Acceptable Items
- Food
- Normal household trash
Residential Trash
Non-Acceptable Items
Please do not put these items in any of our containers:
- Antifreeze or motor oil
- Appliances
- Asbestos
- Ashes, hot or cold
- Car batteries
- Chemicals
- Dead animals
- Dirt or rocks
- Household Hazardous Waste items may be taken to the Columbia County Transfer Station during their HHW collection events.
- Liquid paint
- Medical sharps. Put in approved containers and drop off free at transfer station.
- Medical waste
- Recycling
- Tires
- Yard waste
Residential Recycling
Acceptable Items
- Aerosol cans, empty
- Aluminum, steel, tin beverage or food cans
- Aluminium trash
- Aluminum pie plates, clean
- Milk cartons, juice boxes (rinsed)
- Mixed paper, junk mail, magazines
- Newspapers, cardboard, cereal boxes
- Plastic bottles & tubs & jugs
- Tin food cans (rinsed)
- View Recycling Done Right Guidelines
Residential Recycling
Non-Acceptable Items
- Automobile parts
- Christmas tree lights
- Deli containers
- Frozen food boxes (any wet strength paper)
- Garden hose
- Glass*
- Metal longer than 18” or heavier than 5lbs
- Motor oil*
- Paper towels, cups
- Plastic bags
- Plastic cups, clamshells
- Shredded paper
- Soiled/dirty paper (i.e.: pizza boxes)
- Styrofoam
- Straws or frozen juice containers
- Take-out containers
- Wax-coated paper
*These items are accepted at our drop-off locations. See the right hand column of this page for details.
Billing & Payments
Residential subscription customers are billed on the last day of every month, with payment due by the 15th. Hudson Garbage makes it easy for our Northwest Oregon residential trash and recycling customers to pay online, by phone or by mail.
Pay securely online with your via American Express, MasterCard or Visa
- Pay using out Automated Phone Payment line: 800-457-1379
- Mail* your payment to:
Hudson Garbage Service
PO Box 1002
St. Helens, OR 97051
*Please include your Hudson Garbage account number in the check reference line for faster payment processing.
Recycling Drop-Off Locations
While glass and motor oil are not allowed in Hudson Garbage recycling carts, they are accepted at these locations:
Drop off Glass at:
Clatskanie Drop Off
SW 5th, next to Skate Park
Clatskanie, OR
Hours: 24 hours a day
Rainier Drop Off
West A Street, behind Waste Water Treatment Facility
Rainier, OR
Hours: 24 hours a day
Drop off Motor Oil at:
Columbia County Transfer Station
1601 Railroad Ave
St Helens, OR
Hours: Mon-Sat
8:00am to 5:00pm
Yard Waste |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
Brush |
Dirt, gravel |
Lawn clippings |
Food waste |
Leaves |
Metal |
Plant trimming / pruning |
Paper, plastic |
Sawdust |
Rocks, bricks |